Churches of Christ Modbury
Welcomes You
Making a Difference
Here at Modbury we're all about helping people to be passionate followers of Jesus Christ. Modbury is a place where we can worship God in Spirit and Truth, serve our community and each other, teaching all to be disciples of Christ and growing together as a people who care for each other and our community.

Girls Enjoying Meeting Socially
Gems are a ladies group who meet 4 times a year to enjoy fellowship with one another and also
providing any pastoral care needed.
The ladies are also encouraged to invite their friends to any event we am to provide a safe place to
come and meet other women while sharing and encouraging each other.
Life Groups
Monday Afternoon 1.00 pm
For Women, held weekly at the church
Contact: Jenny Jones
Wednesday Evenings 7.30 pm
All welcome, various locations, fortnightly
Contact: Kym Tregloan
Friday Lunch 12 noon.
All welcome, various locations, fortnightly
Bring your own lunch.
Contact: Margaret Lineage
Sunday Evening 7.00 pm
F Troop - Various locations,
alternate study and social
Contact : Vaughan Thomas

9.30 am to 12 noon every Tuesday morning at the church except during school holidays.
Everyone in this enthusiastic group has a wide variety of craft activities to choose from. We do Hardanger, Card Making, Knitting, Christmas Crafts or play Scrabble. Come and join us or just come for a cuppa.

Service Times
Church services are held every Sunday morning at 10.00 am
For recorded services
see Online Services